Signs of Low Libido in Males

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Low libido and sex drive decrease are rather widespread health issues. Yet, there is not enough conversation about the causes and the effect they carry on men’s everyday lives. Thus, it is important to hold a public conversation about the signs of low libido in males, their causes, and how they affect men. Taking care of sexual life should not be an afterthought as it has a large impact on the physical and mental health of men. This article will break down the importance of libido and explain the common causes and potential treatments for libido decrease in men.

What is Libido?

Libido is responsible for our sex drive, healthy relation to sex, and the desired frequency of sexual activity. Both men and women have a libido. Its decrease or increase will affect one’s sexual life, interest in sex as well as and overall attitude toward it. For instance, lack of sex drive, inability to orgasm, having less frequent sexual intercourse, and personal dissatisfaction with sexual life all point to the low libido symptoms in males.

Also, it is important to point out the difference between low sex drive or libido and erectile dysfunction (ED). Though in some cases they can be connected, these are not usually the same conditions. They have different symptoms and causes. Therefore, men are still able to be sexually active and engage in sexual activity even going through a libido decrease. However, such men have a harder time developing a sexual interest even after stimulation by touch, sight, or words.

Causes if Low Libido in Males

The causes for low libido in males can drastically vary. These can be solely psychological or physical causes, the combination of both, or external factors like medications or relationship problems. Overall, to understand the issue better, learning about the potential roots of the problem is essential. These ten most common causes to consider when analyzing low libido in men.


depression and libido

Unfortunately, men, especially young men, are at high risk of developing depression. In addition, due to stigma, many men neither seek help nor work through their depression by themselves. As a result, depression remains to be the dominant cause of libido decrease in men. It is a dangerous mental health disorder that affects men’s personal relationships, physical help, quality of sleep, and, of course, sexual drive.

Low Testosterone

Low testosterone is one of the main reasons for low libido in men. This hormone is responsible for muscle growth, body hair, and the rise of sex drive in males. The lack of it, though, results in lowering libido and limiting sperm production. Naturally, testosterone release slowly drops with age, after reaching its peak in adolescence. However, the decline should go gradually and slowly. A sudden drop in testosterone should be a sign of concern.


Different medications can decrease men’s sex drive as an unfortunate side effect. Such medications include beta-blockers and antidepressants. In most cases, medications will start to affect libido only after long periods of time. Plus, a simple change of medications of dose adjustment is often sufficient to help with the issue. However, any changes should always first undergo doctors’ approval.

Chronic Illness

Certain chronic illnesses come with a significant toll on psychological or physical health. The latter may include chronic pains, hormonal changes, or vascular function shifts. As a result, such effects can interfere with sexual desire in men. In addition, some illnesses treatment may also affect men’s libido and sex drive. Unfortunately, finding a perfect balance in such circumstances may require additional consultations with multiple doctors and careful medication plans.


Stress plays a major role in men’s lack of sex drive and psychological discomfort. Overall, stress acts as a distraction, blocking the release of sex and happiness hormones in the brain due to excessive cortisol production. People under stress live in a state of alarm and uneasiness, which prevent any sexual thoughts and can even lower testosterone levels. Thus, men experience less interest in sex. Fortunately, such consequences should fade after dealing with the stress factors.

Sleep disorders

Sleep disorders

The lack of sleep, insomnia, or other sleep disorder can affect men’s sex life. First, not having enough rest leaves men fatigued, moody, and unfocused. Secondly, certain sleep disorders can lead to conditions that lower the daily production of testosterone.

Relationship problems

A significant part of men’s sex drive takes root in their relationships. Hence, any relationship issues may lead to a decrease in sex drive and a lowering of libido. On the other hand, low libido and a lack of a healthy sex life can also lead to tension within relationships. It’s important to find the real cause of the problem here to seek a solution.

Drugs and Alcohol

Alcohol and libido for male

Drug and alcohol abuse can have serious effects on physical and mental health. Thus, it can trigger body reactions that have a negative impact on libido. In addition, excessive alcohol intake can lower testosterone release. Luckily, in some cases stopping bad habits may reverse the effects.

Hormonal problems

A healthy hormone function is essential for a satisfying sex life and high libido. Any hormonal imbalance may trigger negative effects, blocking or reducing testosterone release. All healthcare professionals will always test patients for hormonal problems after libido decreases complaints. Further, it is necessary to define what has led to hormonal imbalance, as such changes rarely happen by themselves.


Low Testosterone

Older age is a natural cause of lower sex drive. Usually, the first signs of lowering sexual interest start after 30. However, there shouldn’t be any signs of low libido in men before 40. Plus, although such changes are natural, they should slowly appear over time, without any sudden spikes. Any sudden loss of interest in sexual thoughts or activities should be a sign of concern.


Fortunately, all men can seek treatment after experiencing any low male libido symptoms. Of course, the right treatment can only be appointed after a thorough analysis of the causes and signs of the issue. Considering the variety of causes, men should be very specific about their concerns, when they started, how they affect their life, their consistency, etc. Overall, the ten common causes can be divided into three groups. Those can be:

  • Physical
  • Hormonal
  • Mental
  • Social

Let’s see what type of treatment can be applied given these categories.


First of all, physical treatment should start with certain lifestyle changes, such as following a healthy, balanced diet and limiting alcohol or drug intake. Enough physical activity and exercise should also help increase libido. These changes alone should help men feel less stressed, maintain a healthy weight, and balance their testosterone levels.

Secondly, in case of any medication intake, men should receive additional consultation on how to prevent drug side effects on their sex life. In other cases, physical treatment will depend on the actual causes of the issue.


The psychological causes should be treated with therapy and, in some cases, with medications. However, the latter may not be effective without the former. In addition, men in relationships are often advised to attend couple therapy since the roots of the issue may lie in the partnership. Getting to the core of the problem will help result in any psychological tension that affects one’s libido.

Finally, stress, work pressure, and anxieties should also be considered when seeking psychological treatment for low libido. Learning stress coping mechanisms, reducing stress factors, or/and going to therapy should help enhance men’s mental strength.

Hormonal therapy

In case of lower testosterone levels, doctors can also subscribe to supplemental testosterone. Such treatment is safe and rarely leads to heart issues as it used to be believed in the past. In addition, testosterone treatment can be done with skin gel, which is easy to apply without medical professionals.

However, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is applicable only in case of a noticeable testosterone drop. Usually, it takes at least two tests on separate occasions to support the low sex hormone claim. In addition, such therapy is not recommended for older men as it can challenge their blood vessels and heart work.


Low libido in men is an unfortunate but common issue, regardless of their age, relationship status, or occupation. Such a problem always comes as a result of physical health issues, psychological distress, or hormonal imbalance. Plus, in all cases, age should also be taken into account. However, there are multiple treatments available to men, depending on the cause of their low libido.


Can male libido be restored?

Men’s libido can be restored, however, it depends on the causes of the issue. Thus, limiting alcohol intake or stopping certain medications can increase men’s libido in a short period of time.

What causes low libido in males?

Low libido can be rooted in a variety of physical or psychological reasons. As a result, men often experience a drop in testosterone levels which affects their sex drive.

How do I know if my libido is low?

Lack of or a decrease in sexual desire serves as the first sign of low libido. Having a hard time developing a sexual interest and having less sex as ordinary can also be low libido symptoms.